Wednesday, April 17, 2013

correct lyrics are overrated.

Have you ever read that one little column in those teenage magazines where people confess that they heard the wrong lyrics to a song? They are so hilarious. Well, here's Toshi's version...

My favorite part is when he says "one for the little one that lives on hay!" Ha! It was so hilarious and it was so hard to keep myself from laughing as I recorded this yesterday! I love this boy. I don't think he got any part right, but still. This is my favorite ever and I hope he never learns the right lyrics!

I'm sure this has happened to you all many times. Care to share? LOL!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Good Morning!

This morning, the first thing that Toshi said was, "Mommy, can we go to the fair?" I was surprised and I thought it was the cutest thing! I love it when he wakes up all on his own, happy, content, satisfied. So different from when I have to wake him up from school. But, I like that too. It involves many tickles!

So, Toshi proceeded to tell me about his dream that we went to the fair. Apparently, he wanted to go on a roller coaster but we did not let him! Oh such lame dream parents!

I just love how his lashes look here!

I hope your morning and your weekend were fabulous! Any funny stories?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Toshi's Thoughts.

Okay, all you mamas out there (and papas too!), you all agree that kids say the funniest and most interesting things right? Right. Well, I've been dying to start some kind of record of the funny stuff that Toshi comes up with and I've decided, on the blog it goes!

Yesterday, after our little trip to Baskin Robbins, we passed by this sign. And then, Toshi asks... 

Toshi: Mommy,  a long time ago, babies didn't come from mommies' tummies?
Me: Where did they come from? 
Toshi: From birds!

Ha, hilarious!